Naartjie Multimedia

Naartjie Multimedia


Naartjie Multimedia is a creative content provider and marketing specialist servicing the South East. We plan & create websites, print & outdoor campaigns, TV & radio commercials, as well as provide social media strategy, in-house photography, and media buying.

Columbus, GA
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  • Columbus
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"Another of our go-to locations for commercial shoots. From the planetarium and flight sims to the observatory and museum, there's so much to do. If you can, speak with Dr. Cruzen: he's brilliant!"
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 10월 26, 2011
· 콜럼버스, 미국
"Sometimes work is just work. But other times work can be downright fun, and our work with the Cannon is certainly that. We never tire of researching the craft-brewed beers that Heather brews. Cheers!"
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 10월 26, 2011
맥주 양조장
· 콜럼버스, 미국
"Whitewater is coming to Columbus, GA. And this your one-stop-shop for getting ready to raft!"
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 10월 26, 2011
스포츠용품 소매점
· 콜럼버스, 미국
"Not only is this the best coffee in town, the guys at Fountain City have been kind enough to let us shoot a handful of TV spots on location over the years. Check out their "check-in" specials!"
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 10월 26, 2011
· 콜럼버스, 미국
"We have the pleasure of working with NIM on their marketing needs, and know first hand what a gem this "place to remember" is. The exhibits. The IMAX. The Combat Simulators. One visit won't be enough!"
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 10월 26, 2011
역사 박물관
· 콜럼버스, 미국
"Ask how social media can work for your business - big or small."
Naartjie MultimediaNaartjie Multimedia · 8월 30, 2011
· 콜럼버스, 미국