

Lover of the world, welcome to my world Newfoundland!!

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Newfoundland 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Corner Brook
  • 모든 도시
Newfoundland의 상위권 도시
Corner Brook
4 Tips
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    "This place is amazing! It's cozy rustic charm warms you up as you enjoy a hearty plate of food big enough to feed a few people all in a log cabin style restaurant! Great service also!"
    NewfoundlandNewfoundland · 8월 26, 2012
    카테고리 없음
    · 캐나다
    "This is my fav! The BBQ style chicken taquitos and Cesar salad. Dipping each taquito in sour cream the combo of each flavor just bursts in your mouth, the tang of BBQ & creaminess of sour cream mmm mm"
    NewfoundlandNewfoundland · 8월 21, 2012
    · Corner Brook, 캐나다
    "Iced mocha lattes from Tim Hortens are the best! So tasty and refreshing they are my fav! Especially with the sweet creamy chocolate and whipped cream topping! Mmmm mm lol"
    NewfoundlandNewfoundland · 8월 21, 2012
    기타 야외활동
    · Corner Brook, 캐나다
    "Jungle Jim's is the best restaurant for me so far in Corner Brook! All the food is so good and the service is great! I love the jungle theme and the huge tropical drinks! Minus the wait it's awesome!"
    NewfoundlandNewfoundland · 8월 20, 2012
    기타 야외활동
    · Corner Brook, 캐나다
    "I love Corner Brook! If your shopping at the Corner Brook plaza and decide to get McDonalds be sure to sit by the window with the view of the city and the bay."
    NewfoundlandNewfoundland · 8월 20, 2012
    기타 야외활동
    · Corner Brook, 캐나다