Nic Tinworth

Nic Tinworth


Mid-Levels, Hong Kong · 슈퍼유저 아이콘?Placemaker Level 2
  • 89개의 팁
  • 286명의 팔로워
  • 169명의 팔로잉
  • 5 리스트
Nic 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Central
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau
  • 모든 도시
Nic의 상위권 도시
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 26 Tips
Hong Kong
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 21 Tips
1 리스트가 생성됨 · 1 Tip
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Nic Tinworth
16 장소 업데이트됨 11월 9, 2021
A mish mash of what I consider to be the best restaurants in Hong Kong - not just in terms of food quality and value for money but also ambience and overall enjoyment.
Nic Tinworth
15 장소 업데이트됨
15곳의 장소 Yu Club, Vivo, 더 피크 갤러리아, Pi 포함
Nic Tinworth
2 장소 업데이트됨
2곳의 장소 Tamarind Cafe, Pinewood Battery 포함
    Nic 님의 최근 팁
    "If you're getting a little tired of the local fare, this wonderful restaurant has a great selection of pizzas and western food. Great outdoor area and music too - highly recommend a visit."
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 9월 8, 2013
    이탈리아 음식
    · 카트만두, 네팔
    "The best digital agency in town, if I do say so myself."
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 5월 23, 2013
    · Sheung Wan, 홍콩
    "Good but horrifically overpriced. Beetroot fries and the green chilies with cheese are fantastic but $50 for one taco is a big ask, and the drinks aren't cheap either. Great space and ambience."
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 6월 26, 2012
    멕시코 음식
    · 中環, 홍콩
    "Great loop (walk) around Victoria Peak Gardens. Good for dogs."
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 6월 9, 2012
    · 山顶, 홍콩
    "If you can't find what you're looking for, the staff will be happy to order in your size and style. FYI, prices are marked in US$."
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 3월 27, 2012
    스포츠용품 소매점
    · Sheung Wan, 홍콩
    "Seriously good, authentic Thai. When they ask if you want it spicy - they mean it!"
    Nic TinworthNic Tinworth · 2월 26, 2012
    태국 음식
    · 香港, 홍콩