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Theo's is one of PORTland.

1. Theo's

121 NW 5th Ave (btw NW Couch & Davis), 포틀랜드, OR
샌드위치 가게 · 22개의 팁과 리뷰

Pete L.Pete Liedtke: Wafflewiches are yummy and filling - maple sauce with bacon and egg is highly recommend

Bunk Sandwiches is one of PORTland.

2. Bunk Sandwiches

621 SE Morrison St (btw SE 6th & 7th Ave), 포틀랜드, OR
샌드위치 가게 · 57개의 팁과 리뷰
Rogue Eastside Pub & Pilot Brewery is one of PORTland.

3. Rogue Eastside Pub & Pilot Brewery

928 SE 9th Ave (at SE Belmont St), 포틀랜드, OR
맥주 양조장 · Buckman · 88개의 팁과 리뷰

Amber C.Amber C.: Beer and Blog is here every Friday night from 4-6pm. Stop by for great beer and good tech talk!

Rogue Eastside Pub & Pilot Brewery is one of PORTland.

4. Rogue Eastside Pub & Pilot Brewery

928 SE 9th Ave (at SE Belmont St), 포틀랜드, OR
맥주 양조장 · Buckman · 88개의 팁과 리뷰

Selena D.Selena Deckelmann: Go to the Green Dragon and have the 12 Bridges gin, neat.

A Roadside Attraction is one of PORTland.

5. A Roadside Attraction

1000 SE 12th Ave (Yamhill), 포틀랜드, OR
라운지 · 47개의 팁과 리뷰
Ford Food and Drink is one of PORTland.

6. Ford Food and Drink

2505 SE 11th Ave, 포틀랜드, OR
커피숍 · 10개의 팁과 리뷰
Bunk Bar is one of PORTland.

7. Bunk Bar

1028 SE Water Ave (at SE Taylor), 포틀랜드, OR
· 65개의 팁과 리뷰
PDX Empanadas is one of PORTland.

8. PDX Empanadas

2 SW Naito Parkway (SW Ankeny), 포틀랜드, OR
푸드트럭 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰
Lúc Lác Vietnamese Kitchen is one of PORTland.

9. Lúc Lác Vietnamese Kitchen

835 SW 2nd Ave (at Taylor St.), 포틀랜드, OR
베트남 음식점 · 160개의 팁과 리뷰
Sen Yai is one of PORTland.

10. Sen Yai

3384 SE Division St, 포틀랜드, OR
태국 음식점 · 38개의 팁과 리뷰