Nuclea Bio Tech

Nuclea Bio Tech


Massachusetts based Nuclea Biotechnologies works to develop personalized tools in medicine to improve predictive capabilities in specialized treatments for diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Nuclea Biotechnologies' innovative technologies endeavor to identify efficient and effective treatments in an area that is growing scientifically and medically. At its headquarters and research facility in Pittsfield, the company researches antibody, gene, and protein biomarkers that are linked with specific diseases. With the help of advanced technology, Nuclea Biotechnologies has the opportunity to study molecular, genetic, and clinical data to expedite the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nuclea Biotechnologies' testing methods help predict the reaction of a patient to a certain type of therapy. These tests also allow researchers to evaluate the chances of the disease reappearing later in the patient's life.

Pittsfield, MA
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  • 2 리스트
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