


Para²Mahou (or "ParaPara Magic") is a professional ParaPara dance team that was founded in 2003. Our team travels to various conventions and events across the southeastern United States, performing and teaching others how to ParaPara dance. Para²Mahou was formed with the purpose of promoting the performance of the popular Japanese dance style of ParaPara, the culture surrounding it, and the high-energy music it is set to. Para²Mahou is affiliated with the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention (MTAC) and has been hosting workshops and performing annually there since 2005. If you're interested in ParaPara and are located in Middle Tennessee, let us know! We'd love to do what we can to help get you started so you can start tearing up the dance floor!

Nashville, TN
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  • Nashville
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    "Cafe Coco is our favorite place to eat when we're gettin' our groove on in the West End area of Nashville. They serve the best Italian cream soda you've ever tasted! Try the Turkey Rockefeller!!"
    Para²MahouPara²Mahou · 1월 28, 2012
    · 내슈빌, 미국