"Hands down the best airport lounge I've ever spent time in. Incredibly spacious seating areas. Enormous buffet spread with incredible food. Fully stocked bar. Luxurious spa and shower facilities."
"Food is so-so. Service is excruciatingly slow. 45 min for okonomiyaki during off-peak hours is unacceptable"
"All style, little substance. Food presentation is unique, but taste is unremarkable and portion size is like a small appetizer. Had to have a 2nd meal right after."
"The check-in lines are always too long and too slow. Budget enough time so you don't miss your flight."
"Old Town is an absolutely waste of time & money. Mostly shops hawking mass-produced, over-priced tourist crap, Internet cafes, or restaurants serving Western food."
"Check in, immigration, and security screen is incredibly slow and inefficient. Budget your time accordingly! Also, the airport wifi is pathetic."