Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소
Казанский Богородицкий мужской монастырь is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

1. Казанский Богородицкий мужской монастырь

Бол. Красная ул., 16/16, 카잔, Татарстан
수도원 · 5개의 팁과 리뷰
Sky Ounasvaara is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

2. Sky Ounasvaara

Juhannuskalliontie, 로바니에미, Lappi
스칸디나비아 음식점 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Great surprising 5 course menu! We really enjoyed the food and the view of course is stunning! Everything about the restaurant is about entire space and relaxation it’s worth the visit!

Lapland Hotel Sky Ounasvaara is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

3. Lapland Hotel Sky Ounasvaara

Juhannuskalliontie, 로바니에미, Lappi
호텔 · 12개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Really fantastic place to stay in rovaniemi. It's a bit outside if the city but the views are incredible! Breakfast is excellent and restaurant offers great food. Room with sauna is a must!

ounasvaara nature trail is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

4. ounasvaara nature trail

Rovaniemi, Laponsko
하이킹 코스 · 1개의 팁

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Very well marked road. If you have a chance to do it when the sun is up, you can see really fantastic view of the city

Nili Ravintola is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

5. Nili Ravintola

Valtakatu 20, 로바니에미, Lappi
스칸디나비아 음식점 · 50개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic nordic food and very unique setting and atmosphere. Try a reindeer dish! If you are hungry try the market appetizer. Make sure you make a reservation.

Roka Kitchen & Wine Bar is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

6. Roka Kitchen & Wine Bar

Koskikatu 8, 로바니에미, Lappi
음식점 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Excellent food and drinks menu! All the dishes were very tasty and the reindeer was fabulously cooked. Also try the traditional salmon soup!

Кофе и Вафли is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

7. Кофе и Вафли

Средний просп., В. О., 7, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
커피숍 · Округ Васильевский · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic place for a coffee break lunch or breakfast. Highly recommend Vienna breakfast waffle. Always fresh ingredients and baked to order excellently cooked waffles!

Citibank is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

8. Citibank

Московский проспект 139 к.1 стр.1, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
은행 · Округ Московская застава · 팁 또는 리뷰 없음
EM is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

9. EM

наб. р. Мойки, 84, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
음식점 · Адмиралтейский округ · 54개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic food! Normally such places have very traditional menu but EM really pleasantly surprised me. One of the best classy places in STP. Go for the 6course menu!!! Great stuff

Resto Bar Constantinoff is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

10. Resto Bar Constantinoff

витоша 33, София, София
아메리칸 다이너 · 14개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: It super modern place with a great twist to all dishes - very unusual ingredients but absolutely amazing tasty outcome. Stop by even for drinks at the bar with amazing appetizers

Механа при Соте is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

11. Механа при Соте

Самоков, София
불가리아 음식점 · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Everything is good! Really tasty tongue and polenta with cheese! Try the home made lemonade is worth trying!

Gallery Park Hotel & SPA is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

12. Gallery Park Hotel & SPA

Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 7, 리가, Riga
호텔 · Centrs · 6개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: The hotel is amazing with its architecture inside and location to the center. The rooms are really specious with a fireplace. Breakfast could have been better for this class of hotels

Angleterre is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

13. Angleterre

Малая Морская ул., 24 (Исаакиевская пл.), 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
호텔 · Адмиралтейский округ · 81개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Super location - walk to Nevski, 2min from Neva & spectacular view of St Isaak cathedral. Very convenient for tourist and business traveler. Great service and good restaurants (superb room service!).

Pavlovsk Palace is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

14. Pavlovsk Palace

(Павловский дворец)
Садовая ул., 20, Павловск, Санкт-Петербург
궁전 · 65개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: This park & palace are not the most popular in STP but certainly offering a great walking area and very relaxing atmosphere to enjoy the city bustle. Train stops just across the entrance!

Tsar Palas is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

15. Tsar Palas

32 Софийский бульвар, Пушкин, Санкт-Петербург
여관 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: The best place to be outside of the city. It’s located next to two historical royal palaces (can walk) and offering the highest class accommodation and food! Spa is fantastic to relax!

Coffeeshop Company is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

16. Coffeeshop Company

ТРК «Атлантик Сити» (ул. Савушкина, 126, лит. А), 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
커피숍 · Округ № 65 · 119개의 팁과 리뷰
Cococo is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

17. Cococo

Вознесенский просп., 6, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
러시아 음식점 · Адмиралтейский округ · 258개의 팁과 리뷰
Melngalvju Nams is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

18. Melngalvju Nams

Rātslaukums 7, 리가, Riga
박물관 · Vecrīga · 26개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: It's amazing how much history is in this small place. Everyone must visit this museum! Not only you can find a very important and interesting historical facts bit also it's a very nice building inside

Волконский is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

19. Волконский

Екатерининский парк, Пушкин, Санкт-Петербург
디저트 가게 · 71개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic place to relax in the park. Deserts never fail to amaze me with great flavor and big variety! Have a tea and a cake and enjoy the typical royal Russian experience at the cafe!

Vincents is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

20. Vincents

Elizabetes iela 19, 리가, Riga
음식점 · Centrs · 73개의 팁과 리뷰
БЦ "Фабрика" is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

21. БЦ "Фабрика"

Московский проспект, 140, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
비즈니스 센터 · Округ Московская застава · 팁 또는 리뷰 없음
Planetarium 1 is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

22. Planetarium 1

(Планетарий 1)
наб. Обводного канала, 74, лит. Ц, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
천문대 · Округ Московская застава · 84개의 팁과 리뷰
Cake & Breakfast is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

23. Cake & Breakfast

Малая Морская ул., 5, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
아침식사 식당 · Округ № 78 · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Brwakfast is really good and the fruits are really fresh! It’s one of the few good breakfast places in the city center.

Vincents is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

24. Vincents

Elizabetes iela 19, 리가, Riga
음식점 · Centrs · 73개의 팁과 리뷰
Буквоед is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

25. Буквоед

Измайловский пр., 4, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
서점 · Округ Измайловское · 2개의 팁과 리뷰
EM is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

26. EM

наб. р. Мойки, 84, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
음식점 · Адмиралтейский округ · 54개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic food! Normally such places have very traditional menu but EM really pleasantly surprised me. One of the best classy places in STP. Go for the 6course menu!!! Great stuff

SOFIT Event House is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

27. SOFIT Event House

75 улица Черняховского, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
이벤트 공간 · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 팁 또는 리뷰 없음
Alexander Nevsky Square is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

28. Alexander Nevsky Square

(Площадь Александра Невского)
пл. Александра Невского (Невский просп.), 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
광장 · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 70개의 팁과 리뷰
EM is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

29. EM

наб. р. Мойки, 84, 상트페테르부르크, Санкт-Петербург
음식점 · Адмиралтейский округ · 54개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: Fantastic food! Normally such places have very traditional menu but EM really pleasantly surprised me. One of the best classy places in STP. Go for the 6course menu!!! Great stuff

ZavodBar is one of Ralitsa 님이 좋아한 장소.

30. ZavodBar

ул. Германа, 2, 벨리키노브고로드, Новгородская обл.
러시아 음식점 · 117개의 팁과 리뷰

Ralitsa I.Ralitsa Ivanova: When here you must try the "vodka" menu collection - it's a great collection of various vodkas with nicely matched side dishes. The warm appetizers are really tasty and interesting!