Rice University

Rice University


Houston, TX
  • 14개의 팁
  • 8,788명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
  • 18 위치
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  • Houston
  • 모든 도시
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Rice University
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    Rice University 님의 최근 팁
    "Surprised to see Duncan Hall’s colorful foyer? Don’t be. To encourage collaboration between departments, the architect chose a lively design to give the building a sense of purpose and energy."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    대학 건물
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "Need a caffeine kick? Rice students have been running a not-for-profit coffeehouse inside the Rice Student Center since 1990. Grab a fresh brew anytime. It’s open seven days a week."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    대학교 및 교육
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "In 1989, a reporter dubbed Rice’s basketball court the "Jungle Gym" due to its lack of air conditioning and rowdy crowd. Two years later, the building got central air. But the fans haven’t left."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "Looking to work up a sweat? This state-of-the-art workout and health facility offers everything from competitive swimming to racquetball courts. Best of all, it’s one of Rice’s newest buildings."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    · 휴스턴, 미국
    "Each year, more than 70,000 Houstonians attend over 350 concerts and recitals by Rice’s students and faculty at The Shepherd School of Music."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    "Rice Stadium has housed plenty of great sporting events. But that history goes beyond the sports world. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered his famed space exploration address here."
    Rice UniversityRice University · 10월 13, 2010
    · 휴스턴, 미국