Rosie Grantham

Rosie Grantham


Orlando, FL
  • 7개의 팁
  • 66명의 팔로워
  • 66명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Rosie 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Orlando
  • Lake Buena Vista
  • 모든 도시
Rosie의 상위권 도시
6 Tips
Lake Buena Vista
1 Tip
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Rosie Grantham
6 장소 업데이트됨
6곳의 장소 Korean BBQ Taco Box, The Yum Yum Cupcake Truck, Big Daddys Roadhouse, Ocean Prime 포함
Rosie Grantham
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    Rosie 님의 최근 팁
    "This place is filled with great little treasures, just plan to make a day of it cause it's filled wall to wall with very little organization. I go every week just to see if things have shifted a bit."
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 7월 18, 2011
    빈티지 및 중고품 판매점
    · 올랜도, 미국
    "This place used to pretty good. It was never my favorite sushi spot but there was one roll (the kendo) that kept me coming back. Dropped in the other day and definitely won't be back. Fishy fishy!"
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 7월 18, 2011
    · 올랜도, 미국
    "Definitely lacking in the customer service department, been coming to this location about twice a week since it opened- usually during the slow times, the cashier is always missing in action."
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 4월 29, 2011
    멕시코 음식
    · 올랜도, 미국
    "Stop by on the weekend for the grits of the day. Definitely grab a cupcake (or two)."
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 4월 19, 2011
    샌드위치 가게
    · 올랜도, 미국
    "Best Indian food in town! Try the spring dosa, definitely enough for leftovers. Garlic naan is amazing!"
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 4월 18, 2011
    인도 음식
    · 올랜도, 미국
    "Great concierge! Right across the street from downtown disney. Even had views of the Disney fireworks."
    Rosie GranthamRosie Grantham · 4월 16, 2011
    · Lake Buena Vista, 미국