Sarah Elisabeth

Sarah Elisabeth


Sister. Victim advocate. Environment Wonk + #HomeSchoolGirl. Manager, State Issues @StatesideAssoc and Associate Fellow @RSI. Opinions my own.

Washington, District of Columbia
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Sarah 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Arlington
  • Istanbul
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Sarah Elisabeth
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Sarah Elisabeth
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    "Well kept coffee shop, their espresso kept me going during my GWU class at Koc all week. They used boxed milk which will taste different - get an extra shot to mask. Try the chocolate covered lokum!"
    Sarah ElisabethSarah Elisabeth · 8월 9, 2014
    · 비잔티온, 터키
    "Don't miss their exquisite collection of antique typewriters and typesetting machines. If you're really lucky, you can get a group selfie with the editor in chief!"
    Sarah ElisabethSarah Elisabeth · 8월 8, 2014
    공동 작업실
    · 비잔티온, 터키
    "The chandeliers make excellent halos for your tourist selfies."
    Sarah ElisabethSarah Elisabeth · 8월 8, 2014
    유적지 및 보호 구역
    · Fatih, 터키
    "Snow and ice can't dampen our holiday spirit at Stateside. The show must go on - we're celebrating at our Christmas party tonight!"
    Sarah ElisabethSarah Elisabeth · 12월 10, 2013
    비즈니스 서비스
    · Arlington, 미국