Seth Herter

Seth Herter


Alexandria, LA
  • 12개의 팁
  • 10명의 팔로워
  • 9명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트

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Seth의 상위권 도시
St Louis
29 Tips
3 Tips
2 Tips
1 Tip
Richmond Heights
2 Tips
Seth Herter
25 장소 업데이트됨
25곳의 장소 Lopata Hall, Washington University in St. Louis, Goldfarb Hall, Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, Whittemore House 포함
Seth Herter
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Seth의 목록Seth 님이 만든 리스트Seth 님이 팔로우한 리스트
Seth 님의 최근 팁
"All the food is too saucy and the homemade chips aren't worth the upcharge. The chips were soggy, but had good flavor. All in all: mediocre. Also: no refills on drinks (OucH!)"
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 9월 1, 2010
샌드위치 가게
· Richmond Heights, 미국
"Staff is for the most part very friendly and helpful."
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 9월 1, 2010
대형 매장
· Maplewood, 미국
"Scientific wonders that boggle the brain and stir the imagination to fathom realms beyond understanding, things most people only dream of, become reality here."
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 8월 31, 2010
무허가 술집
· Richmond Heights, 미국
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 8월 24, 2010
관리 건물
· 세인트루이스, 미국
"People too busy to attend daytime Washington university classes can sign up for university college downstairs in this building. May not have all the majors, or scholarship dollars, but decent."
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 8월 24, 2010
대학 건물
· 세인트루이스, 미국
"Talk to father Gary to receive excellent, heart felt, real world, spiritual guidance. Masses are contemporary with amazing music with a talented choir and the most excellent pianist. GLBT friendly."
Seth HerterSeth Herter · 8월 24, 2010
· 세인트루이스, 미국