Escenario de la ópera Carmen, donde se pelea con las cigarreras. | One of the locations of the opera Carmen, where she fights against her co workers from the Tobacco Factory (cigarreras) 자세히 보기
Escenario de la ópera Carmen. En este lugar la buscan los soldados tras escaparse. | One of the locations of the opera Carmen, where the soldiers looked for her after she escapes. 자세히 보기
Don José trata de arrestar a Carmen en la ópera del mismo nombre tras cortar la cara a una de sus compañeras.| Location for the opera Carmen, where Don José tried to arrest her after a fight. 자세히 보기
Escenario de la ópera Carmen, en este lugar la mata por celos Don José. | One of the locations of the opera Carmen, where a jealous Don José put and end to her life. 자세히 보기