Shanghai Dominatrix

Shanghai Dominatrix 30yo prodomme based in shanghai since 2008

Shanghai, Shanghai Shi
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  • 2 리스트
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Shanghai Dominatrix
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Shanghai Dominatrix
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    "i like to walk near the bund with my slaves. i can control the buttplug in his ass with the APP on my cellphone. mistress at doctor dot com"
    Shanghai DominatrixShanghai Dominatrix · 8월 4, 2020
    · Huangpu, 중국
    "Went to the restaurant with my slave. I controlled buttplug in his ass and we had a great time on the terrace! mistress at doctor dot com"
    Shanghai DominatrixShanghai Dominatrix · 8월 4, 2020
    프랑스 음식
    · Huangpu, 중국