"I usually order Kopyor (broken coconut), Nougat, or Durian. How about you?"
"Holy Waters/ Fa Sui. Can solve almost every problems in your life. Trust me. The location is on the altar."
"After praying, don't forget to donate here. The location is on the left side from the altar, opposite the stairs. Xie Shen En."
"Jangan sekali2 taruh mobil, sepeda motor di area rumahnya, kalau ketauan langsung marah2 orangnya. Kasian, kalo sering marah2."
· Juaji, wong ga oleh parkir, 인도네시아
"Calon pemimpin kita yang ramah, dicintai secara de facto maupun de yure."
· Mengenal semua masyarakat, 인도네시아
"Try to hear they speak at each other, you'll feel you're in Seoul or Pyong Yang. Hehehe..."