


Social Media Cafe Manchester is a regular meetup for anyone and everyone interested in social media. Come along to our regular meetings, the first Tuesday of every month.

Manchester, UK
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  • 2 리스트
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  • Manchester
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    #smc_mcr 님의 최근 팁
    "Come along for a chat and a cuppa at the Social Media Surgery, a chance for community and voluntary sector to speak to experts about how social media can help your cause. 5-7 pm, 27 September 2011"
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    레크리에이션 센터
    · Salford, 영국
    "Check out the Social Media Surgeries, helping get you on the way to understanding social media. Held here on the second Tuesday of every month #mansms"
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    이벤트 공간
    · 맨체스터, 영국
    "Talk to the MDDA to find out how they can help support your business access the benefits of digital technology"
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    이벤트 공간
    · 맨체스터, 영국
    "Take part in City Camp Manchester, an event to share ideas, explore challenges, join-up resources and develop solutions which build a more sustainable future for Greater Manchester. 14-15 October 2011"
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    · 맨체스터, 영국
    "Get involved in BarCamp MediaCity UK, a place to share knowledge, play games and meet with other like-minded people for free, happening here on 17-18 September 2011"
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    비즈니스 센터
    · Salford, 영국
    "Check out the unofficial Manchester Transport blog for all the latest news about buses, trains and trams in Manchester."
    #smc_mcr#smc_mcr · 8월 3, 2011
    · 맨체스터, 영국