Smith College

Smith College


Welcome to Smith College on foursquare. The largest of the prestigious Seven Sisters women's colleges, Smith educates women of promise for lives of distinction.

Northampton, MA · 슈퍼유저 아이콘?Placemaker Level 2
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  • Northampton
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Smith College
15 장소 업데이트됨 8월 16, 2011
15곳의 장소 Office of Admission - Smith College, Smith college athletic fields, Paradise Pond & Boat House - Smith College, Botanic Garden - Smith College 포함
Smith College
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Smith College
0 장소 업데이트됨
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    Smith College 님의 최근 팁
    "More than 700 alumnae will be on campus this weekend celebrating Reunion. Among the highlights is Illumination, which begins at 8:30 Saturday night."
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 5월 13, 2011
    대학교 및 교육
    · Northampton, 미국
    "Reunion 2011 is under way! Stop by the Alumnae House (open until 11 p.m.) to sign in and find out where your friends are."
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 5월 13, 2011
    대학교 및 교육
    · Northampton, 미국
    "Check in from the very center of the Quad. Stand in the place where you are. Think about direction, wonder why you have it now..."
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 4월 18, 2011
    · Northampton, 미국
    "Visit the Japanese Garden and Tea Hut."
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 3월 10, 2011
    · Northampton, 미국
    "Have you seen the pipe organ keyboard upstairs behind the stage?"
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 3월 10, 2011
    · Northampton, 미국
    "The Mendenhall Center is also home to the Josten Library for the Performing Arts."
    Smith CollegeSmith College · 3월 10, 2011