Sonoita Vineyards

Sonoita Vineyards

와인 양조장와인 판매점$$$$
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘10 팁 및 리뷰
  • 와인
  • 포도밭
  • 친절함
  • 점심식사
사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Erik W.
    Erik Walder6월 25, 2012
    Our wine-pourer, Forrest, really took the time to explain to us about what we were drinking, what to drink it with, and we learned much more than just flavors! He also tells great stories!
  • Austin T.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Austin Teter8월 16, 2014
    Great wine, pretty area, super friendly staff and vineyard dogs. Beautiful out door seating. The wine is also relatively inexpensive for the quality
  • Sabrina M.
    Sabrina Miller6월 2, 2013
    Great wine and experience! Ask for Monica she was the best and friendliest, would come back just to drink and talk with her!
  • Erik W.
    Erik Walder6월 25, 2012
    Start from dry and work your way to sweet. If you mix it up, your palette will not get to experience the amazing flavors.
  • Florencia D.
    Florencia DeRoussel4월 15, 2012
    Delicious wines!!! Very knowledgeable staff! :) the roof balcony is a great lunch spot!
  • Thomas D.
    Thomas Duff10월 26, 2013
    I took the "sweet" path through the tasting, and it was excellent.
  • Erik W.
    Erik Walder6월 25, 2012
    Taste the Sonora Blanca before you taste the cinnamon nuts. On the second sip, its a completely different taste!
  • Lori G.
    Lori Gregoire12월 11, 2011
    If you like white zinfandel, you'll LOVE their Angel Wings!! Give it a try!
  • Lyn G.
    Lyn G7월 30, 2011
    HarvestFest Tasting and grape stomp is fun each July!
  • Valencia S.
    Valencia Stephens12월 3, 2011
    Sparkles Brut with a hibiscus flower!
사진22 사진