샌드위치 가게 · $
5103 50th St
"A heathy breakfast alternative is egg white with ham and no cheese on whole wheat English muffin. Top it off with lots of veggies and no sauce!"
Tim Hortons
커피숍 · $
309 Old Airport Rd
"They have great tasting coffee as expected."
패스트푸드 · $
202 Old Airport Road
"Burgers and milkshakes are the best"
Walmart Supercentre
대형 매장
313 Old Airport Rd
"All the good people from the good ol' days are pretty much gone. Only a few of them have stayed behind. Get good service from those rare gems while you still can!!"
321 Old Airport Rd
"Great place for lunch. Hot, fresh and inexpensive :)"
Trevor's Your Independent Grocer
250 Old Airport Rd (Range Lake Rd)
"They have a decent enough selection of veggies I give them that."
만든 사람 IAM Group Limited
40개 항목
Staples 460-1500 Main street SW
Staples Print & Marketing Services 314 Old Airport Road Unit 130
Staples 8544 Manning Ave.
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