Stefen's Books

Stefen's Books

Perth CBD, 퍼스
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘3 팁 및 리뷰
사용자 아이콘
로그인하여 여기에 팁을 남겨보세요.

  • 인기있는
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  • Electrified Perth
    Electrified Perth8월 23, 2012
    The owner is so friendly and ridiculously knowledgeable. I told him what books I liked and he had a tonne of great recommendations. Highly recommend!!
  • Flynn J.
    Flynn Jones6월 8, 2013
    I can vouch for Vanessa's tip. I overheard him make expert recommendations to the other couple who were in the store. Pretty brilliant dude.
  • Ju L.
    Ju Landéesse1월 15, 2010
    5회 이상 방문함
    Ask for the Australian Small and Indi Press books and anthologies!
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