Bar Nadar is one of Antwerp.

1. Bar Nadar

Ernest van Dijckkaai 19-20 (btwn Suikerrui & Vlasmarkt), 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
· Historisch Centrum · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Wout N.Wout N.: Nice Tasty bar! (ps van de wisser :-) )

Normo is one of Antwerp.

2. Normo

Minderbroedersrui 30, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
커피숍 · Historisch Centrum · 107개의 팁과 리뷰
MAS / Museum aan de Stroom is one of Antwerp.

3. MAS / Museum aan de Stroom

Hanzestedenplaats 1, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
박물관 · Eilandje · 190개의 팁과 리뷰
Felix Pakhuis is one of Antwerp.

4. Felix Pakhuis

Godefriduskaai 30, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
비스트로 · Eilandje · 62개의 팁과 리뷰

Veerle S.Veerle Seymus: elaborate brunch in an nice setting 자세히 보기

Park Spoor Noord is one of Antwerp.

5. Park Spoor Noord

Park Spoor Noord, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
공원 · Dam · 48개의 팁과 리뷰

Veerle S.Veerle Seymus: Excellent spacious environment, kids can play in the water without drowning and without being a disturbance to non-parents, cheap food, many different kind of drinks, etc. Gotta see this. 자세히 보기

De Burgerij is one of Antwerp.

6. De Burgerij

Sint-Laureiskaai 8, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
버거 전문점 · Eilandje · 170개의 팁과 리뷰

7. Kapitein Zeppos

Vleminckveld 78, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
· Theaterbuurt · 78개의 팁과 리뷰
Caffènation is one of Antwerp.

8. Caffènation

Mechelsesteenweg 16, 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
커피숍 · Theaterbuurt · 138개의 팁과 리뷰
Jam is one of Antwerp.

9. Jam

Wolstraat 47 (Grote Goddaard), 안트베르펜, Provincie Antwerpen
아침식사 식당 · Historisch Centrum · 17개의 팁과 리뷰