3 rue de l'Abbaye (Place Saint-Victor), 마르세유, 프로방스알프코트다쥐르
교회 · Saint-Victor · 11개의 팁과 리뷰
New York Habitat: Though often forgotten, this abbay is unique and some of its parts date from the 5th century! Make sure to visit this authentic indoors, its crypt and its forecourt with views on the Old-Port!
2 rue Molière (rue Saint-Saëns), 마르세유, 프로방스알프코트다쥐르
오페라 하우스 · Opéra · 4개의 팁과 리뷰
New York Habitat: Once you've checked its colonnade and architecture, make sure to be on its square at exactly noon every first Wednesday of the month and get ready to enjoy live and unusual performances!