Swiss Coffee House

Swiss Coffee House

커피숍, 샌드위치 가게음식점$$$$
1215 Genève 15
  • Tips
    Peter R.
    "Try the cheese tart - ramequin fromage - with a beer (맥주)!"(Tips 2개)
팁 및 리뷰 아이콘9 팁 및 리뷰
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  • 맥주
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사용자 아이콘
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  • 인기있는
  • 최근
  • Andrea F.
    Andrea Firley6월 2, 2013
    Very tasty muffins, fresh juices, great choice of sandwiches!
  • Catarina V.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Catarina Varão9월 15, 2014
    Friendly And central. Bagels and seed bread available
  • Francois T.
    Francois TIFFREAU6월 13, 2013
    Actually kind of cheap ! 3.90 for a glass of wine and 6.- for a pint of blond beer
  • Ekaterina Z.
    Ekaterina Zinovyeva7월 14, 2013
    невероятно дорого! маленькая вода 0,5l (4,9 Fr) стоит дороже натурального лимонада (3,8 Fr)!
  • Fritsde R.
    Grande is small at Starbucks. Better go there before passing customs!
  • Peter R.
    Peter Ruddick12월 3, 2011
    Try the cheese tart - ramequin fromage - with a beer!
  • BarChick
    BarChick2월 22, 2011
    Have a shandy! Why not...its called a Panache. Think I'd be p*ssed if my chalet looked like this, the red leather furnishings doesn't work
  • Daniel C.
    Daniel Codes Llamas12월 27, 2011
    Estúpidamente Carísimo!
  • Stefness
    Stefness4월 3, 2011
    The sandwiches are terrible and the staff are rude.
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