Sylvie Vivian

Sylvie Vivian


  • 15개의 팁
  • 18명의 팔로워
  • 29명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Sylvie 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Bronx
  • Carteret
  • Pelham
  • New York
  • Greenwich
  • Montreux
  • 모든 도시
Sylvie의 상위권 도시
2 Tips
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8 Tips
New York
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1 Tip
1 Tip
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Sylvie Vivian
173 장소 업데이트됨
173곳의 장소 펜실베이니아역, 펜실베이니아역, 펜실베이니아역, Hershey, PA 포함
Sylvie Vivian
115 장소 업데이트됨
115곳의 장소 Nanoosh, Paris Baguette, Wagamama, Gina La Fornarina 포함
    Sylvie 님의 최근 팁
    "Ginger hot tonic"
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 2월 25, 2019
    · 그리니치, 미국
    "Worst place to bring your clothing for dry cleaning or tailoring. The guy is rude and was always commenting on my weight/body appearance. He called me lazy and was constantly insulting me."
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 11월 8, 2018
    셀프 세탁소
    · Pelham, 미국
    "Worst place to bring your clothing for dry cleaning or tailoring. The guy is rude and was always commenting on my weight/body appearance. He called me lazy and was constantly insulting me."
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 11월 8, 2018
    셀프 세탁소
    · Pelham, 미국
    "Worst place to bring your clothing for dry cleaning or tailoring. The guy is rude and was always commenting on my weight/body appearance. He called me lazy and was constantly insulting me."
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 11월 8, 2018
    셀프 세탁소
    · Pelham, 미국
    "Worst place to bring your clothing for dry cleaning or tailoring. The guy is rude and was always commenting on my weight/body appearance. He called me lazy and was constantly insulting me."
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 11월 8, 2018
    셀프 세탁소
    · Pelham, 미국
    "Worst place to bring your clothing for dry cleaning or tailoring. The guy is rude and was always commenting on my weight/body appearance. He called me lazy and was constantly insulting me."
    Sylvie VivianSylvie Vivian · 11월 8, 2018
    셀프 세탁소
    · Pelham, 미국