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Tim Heimerle

Tim Heimerle


Lake Forest Park, WA
  • 3개의 팁
  • 63명의 팔로워
  • 113명의 팔로잉
  • 3 리스트
Tim 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Bothell
  • Mill Creek
  • 모든 도시
Tim의 상위권 도시
1 Tip
Mill Creek
2 Tips
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Tim Heimerle
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Tim Heimerle
29 장소 업데이트됨
29곳의 장소 North Bend Premium Outlets, North Bend Bar & Grill, Yakima Fruit Market, Safeway 포함
    "Our favorite place. And we love La, she's the best. Call ahead on the weekends, they get busy."
    Tim HeimerleTim Heimerle · 2월 9, 2013
    헤어 살롱
    · Mill Creek, 미국
    "Try the Caesar salad - it's really excellent as are the fresh baked dinner rolls that come with it. The family size easily serves 4-5 adults."
    Tim HeimerleTim Heimerle · 6월 1, 2011
    · 보셀, 미국
    "If you're a fan of corned beef hash, try it here. They make it from scratch and the corned beef is in huge chunks."
    Tim HeimerleTim Heimerle · 1월 16, 2011
    아메리칸 다이너
    · Mill Creek, 미국