"Enough seats *and* power sockets *and* workstations, with nearby bathrooms and a convenience store. The dream gate."
· Tremblay-en-France, 프랑스
"Before entering the line, make sure it isn’t more crowded than other security lines. Sometimes they are victims of their own success."
"Bathroom is just below the bar area, at the street level. Ring the bell by the door to be let in."
"Surprisingly it *looks* like this gate has enough seats to fit a plane’s worth of passengers. One miserable charging station right of boarding area."
"Half of the last 4 years of Paris startup series A/B/C were probably discussed here. Slow service, trendy spot"
"This gate is a joke. Prepare to sit on the floor. Not a single power socket - why would you need one anyway? Safe low-battery flight!"