Want to be featured on TIME.com's interactive foursquare map for the RNC? Sign up here and join the conversation: http://ti.me/Nisa0f // See the map: www.TIME.com/RNC 자세히 보기
The Huffington Post takes over The Aja Channelside during the RNC as a place for attendees to ‘unplug and recharge their minds and bodies.' #GOP2012 자세히 보기
Ron Paul, who was on the 2012 TIME 100 list, plans to hold his "We Are The Future" rally on Aug. 26 during the Republican National Convention. #GOP2012 자세히 보기
Marco Rubio will be here on Monday night during the RNC for the event, "Nuestra Noche: Midnight in Ybor." Rubio was featured on TIME’s cover titled, “Party Crashers” back in 2010. #GOP2012 자세히 보기
POLITICO will be taking over The Rivergate Tower during the RNC. Fun Fact: The manifesto adopted at the 2004 Republican Convention was the longest in the party’s history with 48,000 words. #GOP2012 자세히 보기