The Tricks To Terpland
메릴랜드 대학교 is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

1. 메릴랜드 대학교

(University of Maryland)
8400 Baltimore Ave, 칼리지파크, MD
대학교 · 32개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: I may have graduated from Maryland in 2006, but I made a foursquare list with some tips that can help you learn about Maryland, and find some fun things to do around campus. Check it out! :) 자세히 보기

The Mall is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

2. The Mall

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
대학 캠퍼스 · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Fun Fact: The pathways were unpaved when they first built the mall. The university waited a semester, then used the worn-down grassy areas students walked as a guide for where to pave. So cool :)

Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

3. Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium

2740 Comcast Ctr (at University of Maryland), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 미식축구장 · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Get your keys out for key plays, join the "Let's Gooooo Mary-land" chants, and yell "Oh" during the national anthem (in honor of the Orioles). And wear some red, wouldja hon? Go Terps!

William P Cole Jr Student Activities Building is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

4. William P Cole Jr Student Activities Building

University of Maryland (at University of Maryland), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 레크리에이션 센터 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: In their final year playing in Cole (2002), the Men's Basketball team won a national championship! After moving to the Comcast Center, Cole was converted to a field for intramural and club sports.

Testudo--The Original Statue is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

5. Testudo--The Original Statue

칼리지파크, MD
전망대 · 5개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Supposedly, the Testudo statue here has his head turned because he's looking directly at the Administration Building opposite McKeldin library, "keeping an eye on" the administration.

XFINITY Center is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

6. XFINITY Center

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
대학교 농구장 · 11개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Sit on "The Wall", the steep slope of student seating, and bring something to help distract opposing foul shooters. Or, you know, use your arms. Go Terps!

Marathon Deli is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

7. Marathon Deli

4429 Lehigh Rd (Route 1/Baltimore Avenue), 칼리지파크, MD
그리스 음식점 · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Craving something different? Get the chicken parm. Next to the gryo and their amazeballs fries (The next best thing to old bay on your fries is their seasoning), it's the best thing on the menu!

Adele H Stamp Student Union is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

8. Adele H Stamp Student Union

1201A Stamp Student Union (at University of Maryland), 칼리지파크, MD
학생회관 · 21개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Stamp is named for Adele H. Stamp, UMCP's "dean of women" from 1920-1966. Many student orgs are here, and Stamp sees more than 19k visitors/day! You can get some grub, books, or catch a show at Hoff.

Steps of McKeldin is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

9. Steps of McKeldin

칼리지파크, MD
광장 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Take a break from studying Friday afternoon at 1 to see Erasable, Inc., one of UMD's oldest student groups, perform here. It's one of the great McKeldin rituals, like rubbing Testudo's nose for luck! 자세히 보기

Theodore R. McKeldin Library is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

10. Theodore R. McKeldin Library

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
대학 도서관 · 16개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: In August of 2011, a 5.8 earthquake hit DC. There was a significant amount of damage to McKeldin's 8 floors of books, but just over 24 hours later the staff had all the books ready to be sorted! 자세히 보기

Hoff Theater is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

11. Hoff Theater

University of Maryland (Campus Dr), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 극장 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: First opened in 1975 and received a much-needed renovation in '02; Hoff shows movies and things like the traditional (15+ years!) live Rocky Horror Picture Show 2 shadowcasted by Satanic Mechanics. 자세히 보기

Jim Henson Statue is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

12. Jim Henson Statue

Campus Dr, 칼리지파크, MD
조각 공원 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: This honors Jim Henson, perhaps the most famous Maryland Alumni to "build" a degree, combining Home-Ec classes with Art and Drama to form "Puppetry". His other creations are pretty cool too ;) 자세히 보기

13. Knox Boxes

칼리지파크, MD
무허가 술집 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Nearly an urban legend by now: Various developers have tried (and failed) to buy the deeds to the Knox boxes to build new housing, but like the roaches living in them, these can't seem to be killed.

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

14. The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

Stadium Dr (at University Blvd), 칼리지파크, MD
공연 예술 베뉴 · 10개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Opened in '01, CSPAC was named for Clarice Smith (duh), member of the Art Department from 1980-87, after getting a BA at UMCP! Student tickets to shows are a flat $10, or FREE the Monday beforehand. 자세히 보기

Chipotle Mexican Grill is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

15. Chipotle Mexican Grill

7332 Baltimore Ave (Knox Rd. & Baltimore Ave.), 칼리지파크, MD
멕시코 음식점 · 16개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Fun fact: In 2003, this Chipotle was the highest grossing in the US, due to efficient staff & low prices. Two new Chipotle locations nearby ended its reign, but we learned turtles love burritos!

Jimmy John's is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

16. Jimmy John's

7410 A Baltimore Ave., 칼리지파크, MD
샌드위치 가게 · 9개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: They deliver, but if you make it to the shop, you can pretty much get your sandwich in under 3 minutes. "So fast, you'll freak", indeed...

Taco Bell Express is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

17. Taco Bell Express

Glenn L Martin Hall, 칼리지파크, MD
타코 음식점 · 1개의 팁

Tom M.Tom McGhan: For many Math & Eng Students, THIS is the cause of the Freshman 15, where many tacos are devoured with the hope of fueling understanding. Bless us, Taco God, for the heartburn we are about to receive!

Shipley Field at Bob "Turtle" Smith Stadium is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

18. Shipley Field at Bob "Turtle" Smith Stadium

Fieldhouse Dr (at University of Maryland), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 야구장 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Formerly known as Shipley Field, it was dedicated to Bob "Turtle" Smith, a baseball alumnus and booster, in 2010. It included the establishment of Maryland's first fully-endowed baseball scholarship. 자세히 보기

Potbelly Sandwich Shop is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

19. Potbelly Sandwich Shop

7422 Baltimore Ave, 칼리지파크, MD
샌드위치 가게 · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Order the cheeseburger sub, it's a meatball sub w/o sauce.

Glenn L. Martin Hall is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

20. Glenn L. Martin Hall

University of Maryland, Bldg 88 (Paint Branch Dr), 칼리지파크, MD
공학 대학교 건물 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: While not all of the Engineering classes are offered in this building, the Engineering Library is here, as is the space for most of the student groups (IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, and other honors societies).

University Of Maryland - Lee Building is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

21. University Of Maryland - Lee Building

Lee Bldg (Regents Drive), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 건물 · 1개의 팁

Tom M.Tom McGhan: The Office Of The Bursar is here. AKA where all your parents' money goes. Or, for Banneker/Key Scholars (named for Benjamin Banneker and Francis Scott Key), this is where your money comes FROM.

Tawes Hall is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

22. Tawes Hall

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
대학교 건물 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Renovated in 2009, Tawes houses UMTV and Tawes Theatre, which hosted the Drama School's productions until Clarice Smith opened. Now, student groups use it for their performances.

TerpZone Bowling & Billiards Center is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

23. TerpZone Bowling & Billiards Center

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
볼링장 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: If you've got spare time in your schedule and are looking for something fun, you can take bowling classes offered by the Kinesiology department! Great thing to do your last semester. 자세히 보기

University Of Maryland DOTS is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

24. University Of Maryland DOTS

University of Maryland (Fieldhouse Dr), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 건물 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Every year, DOTS has a competition with the Athletic Department to see who can make more money for the University. Recent cuts to the athletic programs might give you a clue as to who is winning.

CSIC - University of Maryland is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

25. CSIC - University of Maryland

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
공학 대학교 건물 · 1개의 팁

Tom M.Tom McGhan: There's a bridge to AV Williams on the 3rd floor.

University of Maryland - Armory is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

26. University of Maryland - Armory

칼리지파크, MD
대학 강당 · 3개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Constructed in 1944, the Record Armory is named after Maj. Gen. Milton A. Reckord, who served as the Adjutant Gen. of the Maryland National Guard, and president of the National Guard Association. 자세히 보기

27. UMIACS Help Desk

3142 A.V. Williams Bldg., 칼리지파크, MD
대학 연구실 · 1개의 팁

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Get a job here, then get hired by Google. It's happened more often than you think...

Robert H. Smith School Of Business is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

28. Robert H. Smith School Of Business

University of Maryland (Van Munching Hall), 칼리지파크, MD
대학교 건물 · 7개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: When I lived on South Campus I loved studying here with other Engineers; spacious classrooms with power outlets, and most importantly.. WHITEBOARDS. Just had to get a business major to let us in...

Susquehanna Hall is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

29. Susquehanna Hall

칼리지파크, MD
대학교 건물 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Originally called the South Campus Surge Building (or "The Surge Building"), this building was renovated in the early 2000s and renamed Susquehanna Hall. It's now used for various English classes.

Tydings Hall is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

30. Tydings Hall

University of Maryland, 칼리지파크, MD
대학교 건물 · 4개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Built in 1961, TYD wasn't named until '69. Millard E. Tydings was a US Senator from 1927-51, a fiscal conservative who actually opposed the New Deal and was against Prohibition before repealed in '33. 자세히 보기

31. Oracle Lounge

3501 University Blvd E, Adelphi, MD
호텔 바 · 2개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: On tap: shock top, marzen (golden biersch), oak barrel stout, fordham, Sam Adams, yuengling, bud light, Stella. Not a bad lineup.

Starbucks is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

32. Starbucks

7336 Baltimore Ave (at Knox Rd), 칼리지파크, MD
커피숍 · 19개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: If you can't see the sun, this place ain't open.

Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

33. Capital One Field at Maryland Stadium

2740 Comcast Ctr (at University of Maryland), 칼리지파크, MD
대학 미식축구장 · 29개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Tear your ACL on the new turf! So cool, 3 Terp QBs and a Linebacker are doing it!

Maryland Dairy at the University of Maryland is one of The Tricks To Terpland.

34. Maryland Dairy at the University of Maryland

Stamp Union (Campus Drive and Union Lane), 칼리지파크, MD
아이스크림 가게 · University of Maryland, College Park · 8개의 팁과 리뷰

Tom M.Tom McGhan: Just because College Park may not be a farming university anymore doesn't mean the roots aren't still there. The Ice Cream, made from milk from the cows on campus, is the best example of it.