Tulsa Performing Arts Center

Tulsa Performing Arts Center

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  • Tulsa Performing Arts Center사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Don't feel like you have to dress up. Let your hair down and enjoy Million Dollar Quartet, which imagines that Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins came togehter for one rockin' show.
  • Nancy H.
    Nancy Hermann1월 30, 2015
    If you have time, avoid almost all convenience fees by purchasing your tickets at the box office, open 10 am to 5:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. Also, stop in the PAC's Gallery.
  • TravelOK
    TravelOK1월 18, 2012
    During your visit to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, take a good look around - a permanent art collection of over 70 pieces is showcased within the center and on the grounds. 자세히 보기
  • Nancy H.
    Nancy Hermann9월 20, 2013
    The women's restroom line looks long, but it goes fast --- especially the restroom located on the Promenade level. Women can use that suite of restrooms, or the one downstairs by the ticket office.
  • Havi A.
    Havi Araujo11월 10, 2013
    Beautiful place attended by beautiful people. Be sure to wear something nice and enjoy the show!
  • Michelle W.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Michelle Whiteley6월 30, 2014
    Seeing Wicked was awesome.
  • Monika M.
    Monika MacIntyre2월 13, 2011
    When attending a performance here, come a little early to hang out in the lobby, socialize, get a snack or enjoy a glass of wine!
  • Tulsa Performing Arts Center사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Students can see the hip Danish String Quartet, Feb. 8 (3 pm) concert for $5. Tix are $20 for adults; $25 at the door.
  • Monika M.
    Monika MacIntyre2월 13, 2011
    When seeing a performance, get here a little early to enjoy hanging out in the lobby, socializing, enjoying snacks or a glass of wine!
  • Austin E.
    Austin Elliott6월 24, 2013
    Buy a plastic cup with a lid when available. You can't take drinks in the theater without one.
  • ActorsCompany O.
    Since you're close to the Norman Theatre, make plans July 14th to see "Sizzling Season/Kindred Spirits Summer Showcase" http://www.actorsoftulsa.org
  • Rohit S.
    Rohit Sawant8월 16, 2014
    Les Mis...yet again!
  • Chris S.
    Chris Stevens9월 25, 2011
    Beautiful theatre. Very well maintained.
  • Natasha B.
    Natasha Ball3월 16, 2010
    Park and eat in the Blue Dome District (east of the TPAC), then walk to the show.
  • Colin R.
    Colin Ross4월 3, 2011
    5회 이상 방문함
    Having a blast watching Avenue Q. Great job. From the cast of Ferdinand the Bull
  • Steven N.
    Steven Nance9월 13, 2013
    Great Show!!! Blue Man Group!
  • Mery M.
    Mery McNett2월 26, 2012
    Not enough ppl are coming to the INCREDIBLE New Genre Festival by Living Arts
  • Cherietta S.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Cherietta Swar9월 15, 2013
    Saw The Blue Man Group
  • Robert Y.
    Robert Young3월 16, 2010
    25회 이상 방문함
    Come see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the Liddy Doenges Theatre of the PAC; March 19-21, 25-27, 2010
  • Nicole N.
    Nicole Nascenzi1월 30, 2010
    Parking at meters is usually free after 5 p.m. and on weekends
  • Jason N.사용자 이미지의 하트 아이콘
    Jason Norwood6월 9, 2012
    Jersey Boys
  • Monica S.
    Monica Skrzypczak7월 12, 2010
    Starting late....Lyle Lovett ...,
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