DéädPixél™ Hä®®is

DéädPixél™ Hä®®is


I am a point Junkie

New York, NY
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DéädPixél™ Hä®®is
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DéädPixél™ Hä®®is
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    "Caracol is an important Mayan City that flourished in the 6th AD and now lies in ruins in west-central Belize, near the border with Guatemala. The city, which lay hidden until its discovery in 1938."
    유적지 및 보호 구역
    · 벨리즈
    "Order pun selalu salah. Sup tu jangan harap di hidang sekali bila hantar makanan. Kena minta pula. Palui."
    DéädPixél™ Hä®®isDéädPixél™ Hä®®is · 11월 20, 2012
    · Kuala Inanam, 말레이시아