팁 및 리뷰 없음
- 아직 팁 없음회원님이 좋아했던 것, 주문한 것 또는 방문자에게 도움이 될만한 다른 조언에 대해 짧은 글을 남겨주세요.
사진 1장
Glasgow Central Low Level
Glasgow Central Railway Station (GLC) (Gordon St)
"It is dark and smelly!"
Costa Coffee
커피숍 · £
4 Glasgow Central Station
"Fast service, strong coffee. What more do you need?"
M&S Simply Food
Unit 14 Caledonia Centre
"A big collection of food which gives you many choices"
만든 사람 Alina Părpălea
12개 항목
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