Widen Enterprises

Widen Enterprises


Widen manages and distributes images and video for marketing teams by providing an online library where digital media is stored, shared, and downloaded. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, Widen has honed its more than 60 years of experience in premedia services and color management specifically for assisting customers with building brand equity and supporting consistent brand representation across print and Web communications. Through its inventive suite of Web-based digital asset management applications, Widen software services provide marketing networks with real-time, Web-based access to clients' digital asset libraries, subsequently eliminating manual search and file preparation time, costs related to replacing images and videos that cannot be located, and added costs for hardware, software and upgrades. For more information, visit: http://www.widen.com/.

Madison, WI, USA
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Widen Enterprises
9 장소 업데이트됨 4월 26, 2012
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Widen Enterprises
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Widen Enterprises
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