Yassen Grigorov

Yassen Grigorov


Sofia, Sofia-Capital
  • 16개의 팁
  • 4명의 팔로워
  • 1명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Yassen 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Sofia
  • 모든 도시
Yassen의 상위권 도시
16 Tips
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Yassen Grigorov
9 장소 업데이트됨
9곳의 장소 G.A.B.A, Bicycle Bar, Dada Cultural Bar, БАР Ателието 포함
Yassen Grigorov
25 장소 업데이트됨
25곳의 장소 Mercari German Shop, Парк "Гео Милев" (Park Geo Milev), iStyle Apple Store, Starbucks 포함
    Yassen 님의 최근 팁
    "It's a nice enough spot, though I'd recommend most other parks in the area over this garden"
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 3월 2, 2017
    "Lovely spot with criminally cheap draft beer, good music and a nice atmosphere, it's not spacious or luxurious and you're gonna smell of ash when you leave, but if you don't mind that it's great"
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 2월 21, 2017
    · 소피아, 불가리아
    "The decor is quite cool and it's one of the few smokers' bars left in Sofia. Honestly it's too smokey inside to be pleasant on most occasions, but if you don't mind that it's quite a charming spot"
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 2월 21, 2017
    · 소피아, 불가리아
    "Same as any other Starbucks, really. Keep in mind they tend to not have coconut milk and it's usually crowded, but that's expected, I suppose."
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 2월 7, 2017
    · 소피아, 불가리아
    "One of the few contemporary spots in the city. Great bar that hosts a lot of good artists, plays nice music and serves great drinks. Unfortunately it's rather expensive."
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 1월 29, 2017
    · 소피아, 불가리아
    "Hands down my favorite book store in Sofia. The only one with a decent selection of books in English. The staff are some of the most lovely people I've met and the atmosphere inside is amazing."
    Yassen GrigorovYassen Grigorov · 1월 29, 2017
    · 소피아, 불가리아