Alanna Reilly

Alanna Reilly


Syracuse, NY
  • 8개의 팁
  • 26명의 팔로워
  • 29명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Alanna 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Syracuse
  • 모든 도시
Alanna의 상위권 도시
8 Tips
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Alanna Reilly
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Alanna Reilly
2 장소 업데이트됨
2곳의 장소 Victoria's Pizza, Lookout Lodge Resort 포함
    Alanna 님의 최근 팁
    "Animal rescue benefit AND the bathroom smells like candy? LOVE this place. Def ditching my regular bar for this one! Bar tenders are amazing as well, super friendly and actually make good convo!"
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 5월 12, 2013
    · 시러큐스, 미국
    "Never coming again. Pharmacy and med isle were blocked off due to some Black Friday shoppers waiting for a TV. Apparently if I were to get my medicine it was a "safety hazard"."
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 11월 23, 2012
    · 시러큐스, 미국
    "Be careful. I hear sexy bears roam this place..."
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 10월 16, 2012
    집 (비공개)
    · 시러큐스, 미국
    "Get with the program Centro. Since the hub transfer I've missed class 3 times because the buses pull off before others can unload. If you're used to the old reliability you're in for a nasty surprise"
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 9월 19, 2012
    버스 터미널
    · 시러큐스, 미국
    "Get with the program Centro. Since the hub transfer I've missed class 3 times because the buses pull off before others can unload. If you're used to the old reliability you're in for a nasty surprise."
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 9월 17, 2012
    버스 터미널
    · 시러큐스, 미국
    "Very slow service and less than respectable staff. If you're going to b*tch moan about your baby daddyS, don't do it on you're break, loudly, with other employees failing at waiting on customers."
    Alanna ReillyAlanna Reilly · 8월 19, 2012
    · 시러큐스, 미국