Alex Erikson

Alex Erikson


Consulting/producing all platforms of advertising, brand development, business plan strategy & PR for media, performing arts, retail, social media and web.

New York, NY
  • 0개의 팁
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  • 1,477명의 팔로잉
  • 4 리스트
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Alex Erikson
81 장소 업데이트됨
81곳의 장소 French Roast, Uva, Boat Basin Cafe, Roseland Ballroom 포함
Alex Erikson
10 장소 업데이트됨
10곳의 장소 Wortham Theater Center, The Social Media Hat, Revel, New York Live Arts 포함
    Alex 님은 아직 팁을 남기지 않았습니다.