Barry Quin

Barry Quin


Having an amazing korean mother as a home cook, I've developed taste for high quality food, I have food allergies, but will choose to suffer if it's worth it

Mankato, Minnesota
  • 5개의 팁
  • 3명의 팔로워
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  • 2 리스트
Barry 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Mankato
  • Shakopee
  • 모든 도시
Barry의 상위권 도시
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Barry Quin
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Barry Quin
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1곳의 장소 Las Brazas 포함
    "I judge mexican restaraunts like this on their quality of ingredients, so i ordered an enchillada which is pretty hard to mess up. It had the cheapest most gross ground beef I've ever had inside, rly?"
    Barry QuinBarry Quin · 2월 3, 2014
    멕시코 음식
    · Mankato, 미국
    "I judge places like this on their burgers, and the burger tasted like there are a bunch of highschoolers in the back kitchen trying to cook food. Not good at all in my opinion, atmosphere is nice"
    Barry QuinBarry Quin · 2월 3, 2014
    고급 술집
    · Mankato, 미국
    "I'm all for supporting local places, but when caribou coffee makes a better higher quality coffee I'll sadly go there instead. Atmosphere here is great, just the quality of coffee is poor."
    Barry QuinBarry Quin · 2월 3, 2014
    · Mankato, 미국
    "Hands down, THE best mexican grill I've ever been to...better than any place in California. Food is seasoned just right and the portions are generous, I refuse to go to a chipotle after eating here"
    Barry QuinBarry Quin · 2월 3, 2014
    멕시코 음식
    · Mankato, 미국
    "The food tastes good I'll admit that, but the quality is extremely poor. The salsa is bought premade you could get from any store, the chips come in bags and the lettuce does too. I used to work there"
    Barry QuinBarry Quin · 2월 3, 2014
    멕시코 음식
    · Shakopee, 미국