Evan Williams

Evan Williams

  • 4개의 팁
  • 0명의 팔로워
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  • 2 리스트
Evan 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Lubbock
  • 모든 도시
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Evan Williams
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
Evan Williams
4 장소 업데이트됨
4곳의 장소 Smokers Haven, Buffalo Wild Wings, 50th St. Caboose, Deerfield Village 포함
    "Had the fried mushrooms tonight. They were very good!"
    Evan WilliamsEvan Williams · 2월 28, 2015
    · 러벅, 미국
    "The fried pickles are okay they aren't the best though. It's really hard to beat the Asian zing. We had a brand new server yesterday that we were impressed with. Wish I would have caught her name."
    Evan WilliamsEvan Williams · 2월 27, 2015
    치킨 윙
    · 러벅, 미국
    "Fried pickles here are amazing.we also love the jalapeño popper dip. I typically go to play pool. Bobbie is a wonderful server even when overloaded she still keeps our drinks filled!"
    Evan WilliamsEvan Williams · 2월 27, 2015
    · 러벅, 미국
    "The management has been amazing. They are very pet friendly and the apartments are pretty nice for how little rent is its been two years so far and we plan to be here another two years at least"
    Evan WilliamsEvan Williams · 2월 27, 2015
    아파트 또는 콘도
    · 러벅, 미국