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FIU is worlds ahead in its service to the academic and local community and is Miami's first and only public research university.

Miami, FL · 슈퍼유저 아이콘?Placemaker Level 2
  • 30개의 팁
  • 7,456명의 팔로워
  • 0명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
  • 22 위치
FIU 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Miami Beach
  • North Miami
  • University Park
  • Miami
  • 모든 도시
FIU의 상위권 도시
Miami Beach
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North Miami
2 Tips
University Park
2 Tips
24 Tips
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    FIU 님의 최근 팁
    "FIU IS HERE! This Lincoln Road facility houses a design studio for graduate programs in architecture, galleries for exhibitions and performance spaces for other arts programs such as music."
    FIUFIU · 10월 5, 2011
    · 마이애미비치, 미국
    "The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management hosts the South Beach Food and Wine Festival every year. It is one of the largest food and wine festivals in the United States."
    FIUFIU · 9월 12, 2011
    "SJMC Professor Fred Blevens was recently featured in a new book, 'Page One: Inside The New York Times and the Future of Journalism', for his work with global learning news literacy courses."
    FIUFIU · 9월 12, 2011
    · North Miami, 미국
    "This building is the home of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications (SJMC), with majors in journalism, advertising and public relations."
    FIUFIU · 8월 29, 2011
    대학 건물
    · 마이애미, 미국
    "Carlos Finlay Elementary School, home of the Skeeters, is jointly run by the FIU College of Education and Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS)."
    FIUFIU · 8월 29, 2011
    "The National Hurricane Center has responsibility for forecasting, tracking, and providing warning of Atlantic tropical cyclones and eastern Pacific tropical cyclones. Curious? Go schedule a tour!"
    FIUFIU · 8월 29, 2011
    · 마이애미, 미국