For the Makers

For the Makers


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New York, NY
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  • 4 리스트
For the Makers 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Brimfield
  • New York
  • Brooklyn
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New York
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For the Makers
7 장소 업데이트됨 10월 9, 2011
7곳의 장소 El Camion Cantina, Birdbath, Neighborhood Green Bakery, Belcourt, Cheeky Sandwiches 포함
For the Makers
9 장소 업데이트됨 10월 9, 2011
9곳의 장소 Toho Shoji, Pippin Vintage Jewelry, Birdbath, Neighborhood Green Bakery, Metalliferous 포함
For the Makers
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
For the Makers
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    For the Makers 님의 최근 팁
    "It. just. sells. feathers. They got what you need if you need feathers. Individual, boas, vests (might have one) and feather tape."
    For the MakersFor the Makers · 10월 9, 2011
    예술품 판매점
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "The best spot for high quality jewelry components: jump rings, shoe clips and ear wires in lots of platings."
    For the MakersFor the Makers · 10월 9, 2011
    예술품 판매점
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "THE BEST place to stock up on vintage jewelry, furniture, random awesomeness. Happens three times a year: May, July and Sept."
    For the MakersFor the Makers · 10월 9, 2011
    · Brimfield, 미국
    "Our favorite stop for affordable vintage jewelry in the city. We come here to look for inspiration for collections and to add to our own. It's a tiny jewel box of store with helpful staff."
    For the MakersFor the Makers · 9월 25, 2011
    빈티지 및 중고품 판매점
    · 뉴욕, 미국
    "This no frills trimmings store has the best prices on doo dads like buttons, zippers, thread and ribbon. They will order things for you if you need lots of something too."
    For the MakersFor the Makers · 9월 25, 2011
    예술품 판매점
    · 뉴욕, 미국