jenny theletriti

jenny theletriti

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jenny theletriti
13 장소 업데이트됨
13곳의 장소 Mejico, Juicy Grill, Little Tree Books & Coffee, 2 γουλιές & 2 μπουκιές 포함
jenny theletriti
11 장소 업데이트됨
11곳의 장소 Tuk Tuk, Β-κουτί, Επί της Δεξαμενής, Politeia Bookstore 포함
    "Pizza is very nice and the Caesar salad. The stuff polite and friendly and of course they take care of the current situation!"
    jenny theletritijenny theletriti · 6월 7, 2020
    지중해 음식
    · Μονεμβασία, 그리스