"New location, right next to its old location. Love the new location, but the old one was so much more quirky and cute. Progress is progress though."
"Adorable, new, beautiful place with delicious coffee and snacks right in the heart of downtown Dunn. Owned by two lovely people, Angela and Seth."
"Agreed. The dining room is moderately OK, but the kitchen is repulsively gross."
"You’ve kidding me. I order my meal, sit through the drive-through, but then you close while I’m sitting behind the people in the drive-through, then refuse to give me my meal. You guys absolutely suck"
"Completely horrible. I go out of my way to point out what needs to be done, but there's always something unvacuumed, not armour-all'ed, or just half-assed. Waste of time and energy, but cheap... Ugh."
"Kids indoor play with beer and wine. Perfection."