John Snow

John Snow

Leeds, UK
  • 6개의 팁
  • 91명의 팔로워
  • 103명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
John 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Leeds
  • 모든 도시
John의 상위권 도시
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John Snow
0 장소 업데이트됨
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John Snow
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0개의 장소
    "Don't over do it ."
    John SnowJohn Snow · 10월 7, 2011
    헬스장 및 스튜디오
    · 리즈, 영국
    "Good place for dogs! But please please pick up the s##t, kids have to play as well"
    John SnowJohn Snow · 10월 3, 2011
    · 영국
    "The French chef is superb the food he produces is phenomenal and is probably the best in Leeds for the value. The old steps also has a large selection of beers, wines and spirits."
    John SnowJohn Snow · 10월 3, 2011
    · Leeds, 영국
    "Urban beauty is the best, my wife uses them every 2-3 months or if there is an occasion coming up, very cheap and professional 10/10 highly recommend. Keep up the good work"
    John SnowJohn Snow · 9월 25, 2011
    헤어 살롱
    · Leeds, 영국
    "The girls are nice, a bit expensive but well worth it?"
    John SnowJohn Snow · 9월 23, 2011
    스트립 클럽
    · 영국
    "The mayor is mine!!!!!!!!"
    John SnowJohn Snow · 9월 22, 2011
    공동 작업실
    · 리즈, 영국