Jonathan Joson

Jonathan Joson


Pasig City, Metro Manila
  • 7개의 팁
  • 278명의 팔로워
  • 311명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Jonathan 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Pasig
  • Makati City
  • Mandaluyong City
  • Paranaque City
  • 모든 도시
Jonathan의 상위권 도시
1 Tip
Makati City
3 Tips
Mandaluyong City
1 Tip
Paranaque City
1 Tip
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추가로 로드하기
Jonathan Joson
5 장소 업데이트됨
5곳의 장소 Martini"s, DFA Office of Consular Affairs, Chimara, Caffe A-Go-Go 포함
Jonathan Joson
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    Jonathan 님의 최근 팁
    "Don't eat here! My friend confronted the waitress after she saw the kitchen staff breaking apart frozen chicken by throwing it on the wet, dirty cardboard kitchen floor. Disgusting!"
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 8월 23, 2010
    일본 음식
    · Mandaluyong City, 필리핀
    "The Smores are fun! It's fun to play with your food!"
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 8월 6, 2010
    일본 음식
    · Makati City, 필리핀
    "Food is usually good, though I just found a hair strand in my veggies and pointed it out to the waiter. They returned my plate and said it fell in after serving. I have a crew cut. Go figure."
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 7월 31, 2010
    · Makati City, 필리핀
    "Next time you're here, try AllmyTea!"
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 7월 29, 2010
    · Pasig, 필리핀
    "Citi PremierMiles and Platinum holders get to access the Delta Sky Club, but only from 8 am to 8 pm! Quite useless if you're on early US-bound flights. Amex card holders get to access Miascor lounge."
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 7월 17, 2010
    · Paranaque City, 필리핀
    "Our office has a variety of rooms to satisfy any of your sleeping preferences. Bask in the glow of Famu's golden bean bag - it's sure to make you snore. Enjoy the Spartan space under Mich's desk."
    Jonathan JosonJonathan Joson · 7월 12, 2010
    · Makati City, 필리핀