Kristin C.

Kristin C.


Las Vegas, NV
  • 12개의 팁
  • 9명의 팔로워
  • 9명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Kristin 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Boulder City
  • Henderson
  • Oceanside
  • Las Vegas
  • La Jolla
  • San Diego
  • 모든 도시
Kristin의 상위권 도시
Boulder City
2 Tips
2 Tips
1 Tip
Las Vegas
4 Tips
La Jolla
1 Tip
San Diego
2 Tips
추가로 로드하기
추가로 로드하기
Kristin C.
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 The Great Greek Mediterranean Cafe 포함
Kristin C.
39 장소 업데이트됨
39곳의 장소 O Face Doughnuts, 스타벅스, Power Station Pub & Theater - McMenamins Edgefield, The Deck 포함
    Kristin 님의 최근 팁
    "A great locals brewery and they have live music every weekend out on the patio. Love this place. Good vibes. :)"
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 6월 22, 2014
    맥주 양조장
    · 불더시티, 미국
    "Excellent crab cakes and shrimp. Service was fast and attentive. It has an authentic cajun vibe with jazz music and LSU signs up in the restaurant. It was quite crowded and busy. We'll be back!"
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 4월 27, 2014
    케이준 / 크리올
    · 라스베이거스, 미국
    "Exceptional service! The terrace will provide a breathtaking view of the ocean as long as it isn't foggy. I recommend getting a reservation."
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 2월 22, 2014
    뉴 아메리카 음식
    · 라호이아, 미국
    "One of the most beautiful piers I've visited. We went early in the morning on Friday by Coaster, and it wasn't crowded. I enjoyed seeing the pelicans and dolphins!"
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 2월 22, 2014
    · 오션사이드, 미국
    "I love this place. It is beautiful. It will make you feel like you've been transported back to an older time. The style is vintage, charming, southwestern, and full of character."
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 2월 22, 2014
    · 샌디에이고, 미국
    "I loved the Mission Hefeweizen beer & casual ambiance of Barleymash. The restaurant had all the front windows open; it was refreshing & comfortable. I would go back again."
    Kristin C.Kristin C. · 2월 22, 2014
    스포츠 바
    · 샌디에이고, 미국