Purdue University

Purdue University


Purdue is home to some of the best minds on earth & a launching pad for new talent. It's also home to a beautiful campus full of history, tradition & spirit.

West Lafayette, IN · 슈퍼유저 아이콘?Placemaker Level 2
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West Lafayette
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Purdue University
12 장소 업데이트됨 5월 8, 2012
We came up with a Bucket List with 12 items that you should do before you graduate and leave Purdue to complete your college experience. Pictures are not necessary but certainly encouraged. Boiler Up!
Purdue University
1 장소 업데이트됨
1곳의 장소 Marriott Hall 포함
Purdue University
0 장소 업데이트됨
0개의 장소
    Purdue University 님의 최근 팁
    "If you haven't ridden the Boilermaker Special by the time you graduate, at least take a picture with it! Look for it after commencement by the Engineering Mall."
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국
    "Make sure to walk under the bell tower AFTER you graduate!"
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국
    "If you haven't visited Elliott for BGR, an exam or a show, now is your time. Commencement is in Elliott so make sure to check in!"
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    콘서트 홀
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국
    "Take a picture with the Neil Armstrong statue out front of Armstrong Hall. He is very photogenic!"
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국
    "Stop by Pappy's Sweet Shop and have one of their incredible shakes!"
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국
    "Before graduating, make sure to visit Triple XXX. Maybe even try their famous Duane Purvis All American cheeseburger with peanut butter!"
    Purdue UniversityPurdue University · 5월 8, 2012
    아메리칸 다이너
    · 웨스트라피엣, 미국