Enter the rental office via a skinny stairwell between two enter/exit parking garage ramps. Easy to miss, it's in the center of the building, on the second floor (shared with National Car Rental).
Andrew Cerda
Ask for Tim (station manager), he's super helpful.
Ian Gilmore
Ненавижу этот офис Аламо. С карты не списывались средства. Поехали в отель за другой и предупредили что вернёмся. По приезду нам сообщили что вашей машины нет и пытались втюрить дорогую. Казлы.
Георгий Комаровский
This location definetly has so many females walking around. Oh u also have to wait 4eva 2 get a car.
Juni Buncome
Beware if you come on a Sunday. only one rep, which is very unefficient!
Lior Yanay
Mexican eatery on a hot streakCascabel Taqueria is just 10 months old, but it already is lining up two more locations, including a just-signed Second Avenue.
Crain's New York Business
They close early on the weekends
Sebastian Norena
Economy one day drop off at Boston only 116, is sweet deal cherry spark fits 2a2c plus bags
Foodandcrits CK
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