Get credit for using your target red card at the pharmacy. 5% off of a day's shopping after filling five prescriptions! This is on top of your savings from your red card :)
Loretta Kelton
This Target has a awesome clearance selection.
I always check the dollar bins for gift and Easter baskets as well as stocking stuffers.
They REALLY need to open up more than 2 lines... One on each end of the store!
Fatima Perez
Quite possibly my favorite Target ever beyond the three-story Glendale, CA location I worked at for a bit. This store's huge, usually has some good clearance, and it gets busy but not TOO busy.
Anthony Williams
I could totally LIVE here!
Michelle Williams
They carry Oils like lavender , olive oil, and tea tree oil in the pharmacy section. They also have a pretty nice selection on hair products :)
Paige Nash
Make sure you're nice 2 the cashiers! We will be nice to you too! :) :)
Laquilla Perez
Put together a great meal or a great outfit. This place has it all.
Rondo Estrello
Worst Target in the country.
Jackie Thompson
It is not necessary to bring your entire family to Target
What can you say about Target except they have everything you need all in one place. I love the Super Targets the best though.
Shane Elkins
Target, for people who think they're too good for Wal-Mart.
Heath Langford
Target -- for people that ARE to good fo Wal-Mart
Barbara C
Target, for people such as myself, who think they r too good to shop at Walmart. Lmao
Their products aren't any better than than the fancy Walmart right across the street, but they're red and shiny, and that's worth charging extra.
Andrea H
Love this Target! Clean and friendly staff like most Targets♡
Kristi Love
Need a flu shot? Get them from the pharmacy. The pharmacist are really good at them and can usual get them paid through insurance!!!
Joshua Jacobs
Cats run the parking lot. I just counted 18. Say hi or they'll turn on you.
Chris Reeves
What's such a nice target doing in such a ghetto neighborhood?
Another trip with only 5 registers open. 2 were 15 or less. Frustrating to see the neat row of about 24 lanes running across the front of the store & have to wait 15 mins to get to check out
Bridget Ziegler
Parking in the back seems like a good idea until you realize you have to pay in the front...
Nick Q
Very helpful Staff!
Larry Smith
Free Wi-fi
Terrence Chavis
Never enough registers open.
Casey Lee
I don’t want to spend my life as a drifter – please put me in a plastic bag recycling bin at Target.
A Bag's Life
The people are always so helpful it!
Johnetta Horton
This store has a great selection of really great stuff but I can't seem to find a mirror anywhere in the store except in the dressing rooms!
Caroline Mock
If you've got the money, honey, Rosalie'll sing you a song