Norwood Smith

Norwood Smith


Hospitality sales & marketing specialist; avid traveler; lover of food, beer, wine and handcrafted cocktails. Fan of Tampa; favorite cities NYC, London, Paris.

Tampa, FL
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  • Tampa
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Norwood Smith
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Norwood Smith
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    "Get a load of this shot of the Epicurean's Front Desk. Pictured are Jack Harris, Mayor Bob Buckhorn and our general manager, Tom Haines. And, yes, the Front Desk is constructed out of wine crates!"
    Norwood SmithNorwood Smith · 11월 15, 2013
    "Here's another "on the set" shot of the Mayor's Hour that filmed at the Epicurean. Jack Harris, Mayor Bob Buckhorn, David Laxer of Bern's Steak House & Joe Collier of Mainsail. COOL."
    Norwood SmithNorwood Smith · 11월 15, 2013
    "Just shot the Mayor's Hour at the Epicurean! We're 33 days away from our opening date of December 18. The segment will air during the month of December. Yee-Haw!"
    Norwood SmithNorwood Smith · 11월 15, 2013