


Nukumoi Surf Co. opened our doors August 1995 as a small surf shop in a great location and we have expanded as our name and customers grows. We are basically a family owned and operated shop. Most of our kids and our management team kids and our church family kids have worked as sales people in our shop. We all have a great time and have fun with our customers. It’s a great feeling to see the successful adults that most of these kids have become over the years. We are a Core surf shop with everything that you need for fun in the ocean. We specialize in quality Surfboard and Body Board sales and rentals and have a great selection of S.U.P.’s. We also have snorkel rentals with the best prices on all of our rentals on the Island. We have the largest selection of Surf Board Rentals on the Island.

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  • Kōloa
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    "Check in at Nuks and get a rad sticker. Limited time only! See you there."
    NukumoiNukumoi · 5월 2, 2013
    · Kōloa, 미국