Andrea Nicole

Andrea Nicole


Just a girl tryin to get from A2B in the most resourcefully efficient way possible: life Parkour! Love: Skydiving. RedSox. Words & communicating creatively.

Austin, TX
  • 7개의 팁
  • 413명의 팔로워
  • 306명의 팔로잉
  • 2 리스트
Andrea Nicole 님의 다음 도시 내 리스트: 모든 도시
  • Santa Fe
  • Austin
  • 모든 도시
Andrea Nicole의 상위권 도시
Santa Fe
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6 Tips
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Andrea Nicole
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Andrea Nicole
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    Andrea Nicole 님의 최근 팁
    "Love the guys that work here! My favorite thundercloud location, for sure."
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 7월 1, 2011
    샌드위치 가게
    · 오스틴, 미국
    "Everything a family owned biz should be! I ordered to-go & wasn't even thinking it took long, but he offered a free pastry for the wait. Um, cinnamon roll, yes please. Also, "on sourdough" - do it!"
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 7월 1, 2011
    · 오스틴, 미국
    "The girls who work here are incredibly nice. Great service, cute atmosphere, and clean. I got the strawberry energizer. Maybe a tad sweet for my taste but still good!"
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 7월 1, 2011
    주스 바
    · 오스틴, 미국
    "If you've come here for vacuum bag refills, you're outta luck. Produce are decent for a Walmart, though. Buy a banana!"
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 2월 20, 2011
    대형 매장
    · 오스틴, 미국
    "Smoked beef brisket [sandwich] is oh SO good. Definitely getting it again the next time I go back."
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 11월 22, 2010
    아메리칸 다이너
    · 산타페, 미국
    "Chris Bailey isn't joking, 2 margaritas would have sufficed, but I went for 3 and, well... was drunk. Our server was great too. Sent us home with a big ol bag of chips and salsa (upon his suggestion)."
    Andrea NicoleAndrea Nicole · 10월 25, 2010
    멕시코 음식
    · 오스틴, 미국